Laser treatment
for acne scars
Acne scars are a problem that many people face. Whether it’s caused by severe acne, blemishes, freckles, or various injuries, treating acne scars naturally can take a long time. and did not work as expected. Nowadays, laser treatment for acne scars is an increasingly popular method. Because it can give good and fast results.
History of Laser treatment for acne scars
Laser is a technology developed to treat a variety of medical problems. Including treating acne scars Laser technology has been used to treat acne scars for more than 20 years. Lasers can stimulate the production of new collagen. and reduces the expression of melanin which causes acne scars It gives acne scars a chance to fade.
Types of laser treatments used
Electrical acne scar treatment laser
This type of laser emits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves to destroy acne tissue and pre-scarring. By causing the skin to peel off and new cells being created instead.
Laser treatment for acne scars, radiation
This type of laser uses radiation waves to destroy acne tissue and scars. It sends radiation waves under the skin to stimulate the creation of new collagen and keep the skin smooth.
Laser treatment steps
Before receiving laser treatment Patients need to take basic preparations, such as refraining from using skin care products and medicines that may make the skin sensitive to light. Including not being exposed to direct sunlight.
During laser treatment The patient may feel a sensation of heat or medicine. which is the result of the release of laser energy. But pain or discomfort can be managed with an appropriate analgesic system.
After laser treatment The skin may be red. Causes slight burning or swelling. The patient must maintain clean skin and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Results of treating acne scars with las
When acne scars are treated with laser The skin will peel off and new cells will form. Resulting in acne scars fading and shrinking. Including the reduction of scars caused by acne.
Benefits of laser treatment
Treating acne scars with lasers not only gives good results. There are also other advantages such as being a fast method. Give clear results Reduce the risk of scarring. and helps the skin return to being smooth
Service review
Apex Beauty Group
Selecting the appropriate method must consider safety. recovery period and durability of results Proper care after rhinoplasty is important to help the treatment be successful. and prevent various complications